
Friday, November 13, 2015

What This World Needs Is a Group Hug

I am shocked and saddened by the world we live in.  Especially tonight, as the events in Paris continue to unfold in increasingly horrific ways.  My month spent in Paris was one of the happiest and most progressive times in my life, and thus these attacks are effecting me greatly.  How can something like this happen in such a city as Paris?  A city of life, of history, of love.

Sadly, this is not the only event that is occurring at this moment that makes me sad for humanity.  The way we treat the environment is an embarrassment to our knowledge of it, and the way we treat people who are different than us is abhorrent.  What this world needs is more than a hug, it needs a lesson in respect.

Tonight in Paris, the group who opened fire on innocent people enjoying their lives tried to take the hope that we can be better away, but it is only drawing the world together.  Tonight, I stand with Paris in solidarity and without fear.  I stand in love, and in support.  Paris, je t'aime.

(photo by e.hunt)

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