
Monday, November 5, 2018

Quite Ready For Another Adventure

Happy November!  October just flew by, didn't it?  It was a busy month for me, hence the lack of blog posting, but I've been prepping some new weekly features to help me stay motivated and give some direction for content.  Any particular type of post you'd like to see more of?  Or an entirely new area of content you'd like to see?

October did mark the seventh anniversary of Kindof Maybe (seven years?!!), after all.  The past month also held another landmark date: two years in my little apartment!

I've been doing a little rearranging here and there, organizing and going through old stuff that seems to have accumulated out of nowhere, but I still love living alone in my sunshine-filled, cozy, grey and blue-themed apartment.  Here's to the new month and the start of the holiday season!

(photos by r.hunt, and e.hunt)


  1. You asked for ideas of what you might post and I thot how fun it might be to do a kindof 'throwback' theme and post a pic (or several) of a fond memory or experience you've had. Things from more than 7 years ago....!! ????

  2. ...AND Congrats on 7 years of wonderfully creative blogging...kindof maybe!!
