
Saturday, January 12, 2019

Welcome to Gazebo North

We had some exciting end-of-year family news: Taylor found an apartment!  It's a lovely two bedroom with hardwood floors, lots of windows, and in the area of town he wanted.  Last weekend was moving weekend, starting with a load of books.

I was still infirmed from the nasty stomach flu, and weak from not eating much and lying around recovering for the previous few days, but I was able to carry a few light loads, and provide the much-needed service of holding open the doors.

A couple days later we moved some bigger furniture items, specifically the bed and couch, which was a process.  Being a fold-out couch, we had to take out the springy mattress and carry it like a taco that didn't really want to stay folded, and the couch itself was just so bulky and heavy.  We got it though, and it looks great in it's new spot.  Yay for apartment living!

(photos by e.hunt)


  1. Love the updates - especially this one! I am so excited about Taylor's new chapter (tho, don't let on to him!!) Your friend's wedding and Christmas time are great to see in summary...Thanks, my favorite blogger :) Hope 2019 is your best year yet!!

    1. Thanks, Mama! Have some exciting things planned for the blog this year - thanks for being my most loyal follower!!
